Wednesday 12 July 2017

Man Ran Away For Killing Tenant In Abia State

The landlord of a building located at Plot 22, Obohia Road, Aba, Abia state, Ogbonnaya Igwe, has been arrested by police operatives attached to the Ndiegoro Police Division in the state for allegedly shooting dead his tenant, one Mrs. Ijeoma Chibuzo. The Abia state Police Public Relations Officer, Geoffrey Ogbonna, who confirmed the arrest of the suspect, said it took the intervention of a combined security team from the Counter-Terrorism Unit and others that were deployed in Obohia to stop angry mob from setting the suspect’s building ablaze. He said:
“it took the police over three hours to break into the suspect’s house. “He was apprehended with the gun he allegedly used in killing the victim. “Although investigation into the matter was still ongoing, preliminary investigation showed that the suspect and the victim were having issues bothering on finance.”
The Police Spokeman in the state added that the victim’s body was deposited in an undisclosed mortuary within the city. The Victim and the suspect are reportedly said to be indigenes of Item in the Bende Local Government Area of the state.

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