Thursday 20 July 2017

Effect And Implications Of the Asuu Ban In Kogi State Varsity

                                           The origin of trade union no doubt, began in Britain during industrial revolution in 18 century.  During that period,  the effort on the part of workers to combine met stiff resistance from the state. Trade union was regarded as unlawful association. As a result, their effort to come together gain momentum and in 1824 trade union was legalized in Britain. In USA, the union of workers were given serious opposition by the employers until  in 1842 when the supereme court rules in favour of the workers. In Nigeria, the first formal union was  civil service union and it was formed in 1912 and in 1938, trade union ordinance was enacted as a legal entitity .       The decision of the kogi state government to prosribe the KSU chapter of the ASUU has a serious legal implication. Since it is the right of workers to combine under one umbrella, any opposition can be regarded as violation of human and trade union right granted to them by law. The action of the governor is an infringement of their right to unionism and freedom of association as enshrined in our constitution. This will make ASUU to seek redress to the law court in defence of her right and it will take time for this case to be handle therby distrupting the acadenic activities in the school. The students will suffer because the school activities will be truncated as a result of the legal battle. Those who had graduated will not be mobilzed until the dispute is over. It has several effects that is going to be unbearable. Instead of the governor to solve the problem on ground, he took another draconian decision that will aggravate the situation. The decision of the governor is a clear manifestion of his intention to send the institution into extiction and put our future in the state of jeopardy and despondency. He has to reverse that decision and appologize for our interest.

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