Monday 8 August 2016


The squirrel once had a very big farm whose produces (okro, palm produce, maize, cassava, pepper, tomatoes and all sorts of fruits and vegetables) were excellent, having great market values. However, the problem was that only the squirrel knew about this farm. Neither his wife nor any of his children knew about the farm, because there was no road leading to it. He went there by jumping from one tree to the other.
The tortoise secretly and cunningly went after the squirrel and discovered that the secret of his being robust while other in the animal kingdom suffered was that farm, from where he took fresh things, especially palm produce. The tortoise having discovered this farm, begged the other animals in the kingdom to help him make a road to the squirrel’s farm, a thing they gladly did, after which he fed them heavily .By disappointment and disgust to the king. You see? All he had greedily hidden for quite a long time became exposed.
When the matter got to the king, he summoned the parties concerned and asked each of them to produce proof of their rightful ownership of the farmland. The stinginess and secrecy of the squirrel (remember he didn’t let anyone know about it, including his wife and children) were his undoing, unlike the tortoise who was cheered by the other animals as the rightful owner, because he chose not to keep his beneficial discovery unnecessarily secret. The tortoise gave his evidence as being that he had a road to ‘his’ farm, his wife and children knew about the farm, and his animal colleagues actually helped him to construct the access road – substantial witness .The king adjudged the squirrel wrong, for none could defend him. After all, no one apart from himself knew about it ....selfishness finished the squirrel. Selfishness would end in foolishness and nakedness. The more you give to other, the more you get from God, the Owner of all Things.
Happy new week to all overcomers fans.

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