Thursday 11 August 2016

Happy birthday to the most caring,adoring and best friend ever.

Life is worth looking forward to
Because friends like you are around
Life is worth living
Because you keep my mood from going down
Life has so much meaning
Because you are there to share every emotion
Life has so much depth
Because you make it a celebration
In short, life is livable
Just because you are my friend
On your birthday
Lots of hugs, to you I send
2: Friends are forever
But we will last a lot more
Limits that go beyond time
Our friendship will explore
Friends are for a lifetime
But we will reach eternity
Our friendship is the best thing
The world will ever see
Happy birthday
3: To my dear friend…
I have seen you grow
From strength to strength
To progress with your hard work
I’ve seen you go to all lengths
To make something of your life
I’ve seen you toil away
To reach the height of the skies
I’ve seen you working night and day
On your birthday I wish
You achieve more and more
Hoping that the game of your life
Turns into a perfect score
Happy birthday
4: Life was dull and incomplete
With bad company, it was replete
I had no one to talk to
Friends to hang out with, were few
But then you came along
Like the melody of a sweet song
And turned my life around
Since then, I have never been down
To such a special friend, today
I have something to say
Among everyone I know, old and new
The most special, is no one but you
5: The bond between me and you
Will never go away
It has become a deep connection
That will forever stay
You are the one, my dear friend
Who I have always looked up to
Without your love and support
I just don’t know what I would do
6: My dear friend…
We have been in
Different places for a while
Even then we haven’t failed
To make each other smile
We have been very busy
In our own routines
Even then, pillars for each other
We have always been
Although different paths
In our lives we have chosen
For each other, we’ll always be
Life’s priority number one
7: You are an amazing person
You are a real friend
You make the complexities of my life
Easier to comprehend
Today, all your friends are happy
To see you so cheerful and bubbly
We wish your birthday comes every day
So that this smile on your face, always stays
Happy birthday to my LOVE
Thinking of you with love on your birthday and wishing you everything that brings you happiness today and always......# I LOVE YOU

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